
Sather is an object oriented programming language. It was created in 1990 at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI ) at the University of California at Berkeley.

Model of Sather was initially Eiffel, the language away with continuous development, however, away from a pure object-oriented paradigm, and in particular took on elements of functional programming. Originally the development was motivated by the idea of ​​writing an efficient language that gets the simplicity and safety of Eiffel or CLU, without assume their complexity. Sather programs that satisfy the first language specifications, are also valid Eiffel programs. For programs that follow the current specifications, this no longer holds.

As for other influences Sather Smalltalk, Scheme, Common Lisp and CLOS are the to look at.

The name ' Sather "

The name refers to the Sather Tower, a striking tower, which is located on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley, and is intended as an allusion to the Eiffel language, which in turn was named after the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It should be noted that Eiffel is named after the builder and designer of the Eiffel Tower, as it looks is a language also and especially for software engineering.

Properties of Sather

  • Parameterized classes
  • Polymorphic methods and calling mechanism
  • Static verifiable, strong contravariant typing
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Garbage collection
  • Iterators
  • Functions and higher-order iterators
  • Exceptions
  • Assurances
  • Pre-and postconditions
  • Class invariants

Hello world program in Sather

The following code provides a simple Sather program that the message Hello world! and a newline to standard output.

Class HALLO_WELT is   main is    # OUT "Hello World \ n";   end; end; dialects

  • PSather is an extension of Sather containing constructs with which one can express parallel computations.
  • Sather -K was developed from Sather at the University of Karlsruhe by Prof. Gerhard Goos.

Translator for Sather

  • The ICSI Berkeley represents the Sather - developed translator available there free of charge.
  • The Sather -K - translator is obtained with the University of Halle
  • The GNU Project has developed its own Sather translator.
  • Object-oriented programming language