
Small Heath ( Coenonympha PAMPHILIUS )

The eyes of moths ( Satyrinae ) are a subfamily of the Nymphalidae ( butterfly ) with about 3,000 species worldwide in about 400 genera.

  • 3.1 Notes and references
  • 3.2 Literature


Julia Butterfly are also called " grass butterfly " because the caterpillars feed of all Central European grass species. These are not very nutritious, therefore, require grass moth caterpillar comparatively long development times and are sometimes extremely vulnerable as grasses diversity depends on the nutrient levels of the soil and meager meadows have become rare. The term " satyr " is somewhat unfortunate, because moths of other families also show "eyes". All eyes moths are, however, generally kept in brown and have a relatively clear to be separated Eye pattern that is sometimes extremely inconspicuous. The caterpillars come out of hiding at night and can be found in the spring in a variety of grassy habitats. But some are also visible during the day, mostly little-finger long, thin, brown or green with stripes. There is a considerable need for research on the distribution and ecology.


In the German-speaking area about 60 species were recorded. From Europe, more than 160 species and subspecies are known. Worldwide, there are about 400 genera with about 3,000 species.

The following outline lists the types occurring in the German-speaking area (A - Austria, CH - Switzerland, D - Germany ). The status of each species in the Red List of Threatened Animals in Germany is given.

Subfamily Satyrinae

Tribus Elymniini

Tribus Coenonymphini

  • Large Heath, Coenonympha tullia (Müller, 1764 ) Red List FRG: 2 A, CH, D
  • Rivervale - Heath, Coenonympha oedippus (Fabricius, 1787) A, CH, D
  • White Heath cohesive, Coenonympha arcania (Linnaeus, 1761 ) A, CH, D
  • Red-brown heath, Coenonympha glycerion ( Borkhausen, 1788) Red List BRD: 3 A, CH, D
  • Alpine Heath, Coenonympha gardetta ( Prunner, 1798) A, CH, D
  • Coenonympha darwiniana Staudinger, 1871 CH
  • Dark Heath, Coenonympha dorus ( Esper, 1782 ) CH?
  • Forest Heath, Coenonympha hero (Linnaeus, 1761 ) Red List FRG: 2 A, CH, D
  • Small Heath, Coenonympha pamphilus (Linnaeus, 1758) A, CH, D

Tribus Maniolini

  • Red-brown ox-eye, Pyronia tithonus (Linnaeus, 1767) Red List BRD: 3 CH, D
  • Pyronia cecilia ( Vallantin, 1894 ) CH?
  • Ringlet, Aphantopus hyperantus (Linnaeus, 1758) A, CH, D
  • Meadow Brown, Maniola jurtina (Linnaeus, 1758) A, CH, D
  • Small Meadow Brown, Hyponephele lycaon ( Rottemburg, 1775) A, CH, D

Tribus Erebiini

  • White Bindiger Ringlet, Erebia ligea (Linnaeus, 1758) A, CH, D
  • White Bindiger Mountain Forest Ringlet, Erebia Euryale ( Esper, 1805) A, CH, D
  • Similar Ringlet, Erebia Eriphyle ( Freyer, 1836) A, CH, D
  • Gelbgefleckter Ringlet, Erebia manto ( Denis & Schiffer Müller, 1775) A, CH, D
  • White Dotted Ringlet, Erebia claudina ( Borkhausen, 1789) A
  • Erebia flavofasciata Heyne, 1895 A, CH
  • Knochs Ringlet, Erebia epiphron ( Knoch, 1783) A, CH, D
  • Rätzers Ringlet, Erebia christi Rätzer, 1890 CH
  • Unpunktierter Ringlet, Erebia pharte ( Hübner, 1804) A, CH, D
  • Small Ringlet, Erebia melampus ( Fuessly, 1775) A, CH, D
  • Sudeten Ringlet, Erebia sudetica Staudinger, 1861 A, CH
  • Grey Bindiger Ringlet, Erebia aethiops ( Esper, 1777) Red List FRG: 2 A, CH, D
  • Alpine Ringlet, Erebia triaria ( Prunner, 1798) A, CH
  • Round eyes - Ringlet, Erebia medusa ( Denis & Schiffer Müller, 1775) A, CH, D
  • Gelbäugiger Ringlet, Erebia alberganus ( Prunner, 1798) A, CH
  • Eismohrenfalter, Erebia pluto ( Prunner, 1798) A, CH, D
  • Soft, silky ringlet, Erebia gorge ( Hübner, 1804) A, CH, D
  • Blind point - Ringlet, Erebia MNESTRA ( Hübner, 1804) A, CH
  • Iridescent Ringlet, Erebia Tyndarus ( Esper, 1781) A, CH, D
  • Erebia nivalis Lorkovic & Lesse, 1954 A, CH
  • Erebia cassioides ( Reiner & Hochenwarth, 1792) A, CH
  • Water Ringlet, Erebia pronoe ( Esper, 1780) A, CH, D
  • Erebia stirius ( Godart, 1824) A
  • Freyer's Alpine Ringlet, Erebia styx ( Freyer, 1834) A, CH, D
  • Erebia montana ( Prunner, 1798) A, CH
  • Double Eye Ringlet, Erebia OeME ( Hübner, 1804) A, CH, D
  • Yellow Bindiger Ringlet, Erebia meolans ( Prunner, 1798) Red List FRG: 4 A, CH, D
  • Grey Brown Ringlet, Erebia pandrose ( Borkhausen, 1788) A, CH, D

Tribus Melanargiini

  • Chessboard, melanargia galathea (Linnaeus, 1758) A, CH, D
  • Melanargia lachesis ( Hübner, 1790), Iberian Peninsula, Roussillon, Languedoc

Tribus Satyrini

  • White core eye, Satyrus ferula (Fabricius, 1793) A, CH
  • Blue-eyed Grayling, Minois dyas ( Scopoli, 1763) Red List FRG: 2, A, CH, D
  • Large forest porter, Hipparchia fagi ( Scopoli, 1763) A, CH, D
  • Small forest porter, Hipparchia alcyone ( Denis & Schiffer Müller, 1775) A, CH, D
  • Walliser Grayling, Hipparchia Genava ( Fruhstorfer, 1908) CH
  • Ocher Bindiger Samtfalter, Hipparchia semele (Linnaeus, 1758) Red List FRG: 2 A, CH, D
  • Small rust napkin, Hipparchia statilinus ( Hufnagel, 1766 ) A CH -D
  • Rotbindiger Samtfalter, Arethusana arethusa ( Denis & Schiffer Müller, 1775) Red List FRG: 1 A, CH, D
  • White Grayling, Brintesia circe (Fabricius, 1775) Red List FRG: 2 A, CH, D
  • Mountain Witch, Chazara briseis (Linnaeus, 1764) Red List FRG: 2 A, CH, D
  • Glacier Butterfly, Oeneis glacialis (Moll, 1783) A, CH, D
  • Aulocera Swaha Kollar, 1844


Pictures of Satyrinae
