Sault Ste. Marie (Michigan)

Chippewa County


Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan (French rapids of St. Mary ) is a town in Michigan, USA. Against the rapids of the St. Marys River On the opposite river bank is the same Canadian city Sault Ste. Marie.

In 2000, Sault Ste had. Marie, Michigan 16,542 inhabitants; up to the 2009 estimate, the population fell to 14,003.

Geography and transport

Sault Ste. Marie is located at the eastern end of Lake Superior. Here the Saint Marys River, which is part of the St. Lawrence seaway and is drained by the sea and connected with Lake Huron begins. The Saint Marys River also forms the border with the much larger Canadian sister city of Sault Ste. Marie in Ontario. About the International Bridge, both cities are interconnected.

Sault Ste. Marie is located at 46 ° 29'56 " north latitude and 84 ° 21'35 " west longitude and extending over 52.32 km ², spread over 38.33 km ² of land and 13.99 km ² water surface.

Sault Ste. Marie is the northern terminus of Interstate 75, which has over the International Bridge connecting to the Canadian road network. From the center of the Michigan Highway 129 leads south.

The region is an international railway junction; parallel to the road bridge also carries a railway bridge over the St. Marys River. Through the Soo Line Railroad, the U.S. subsidiary of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the railway traffic is handled by the city to the south.

The Chippewa County International Airport connects the region with the air traffic network.

Sault Ste. Marie is located relatively far from large urban agglomerations. The nearest large towns are Michigan's capital Lansing (462 km south), Green Bay, Wisconsin (454 km southwest), Duluth, Minnesota ( 669 km west ) and Toronto ( 689 km southeast).


The Ojibwe Indians knew the area originally called " Bawating ", which translates as "fast water rapids " means. In 1623 Étienne Brûlé came there, and the French named it in honor of the brother of the French king Louis XIII. " Sault de Gaston " ( Gaston rapids ). 1668 French Jesuits baptized the area " Sault Ste. Marie " and established a settlement on the south side of the river, the present-day Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. 1797 with those of the Upper Peninsula to the United States. 1855 the first part of the Soo Locks was built a lock system, which is now regarded as the largest water transport channel system in the world. Since 1887 Sault Ste. Marie city.

Demographic data

In the official census in 2000 a population of 16,542 was determined. These distributed to 5,742 households in 3,301 families. The population density was 431.6 inhabitants per square kilometer. There were 6,232 residential buildings, which corresponded to a housing density of 162.6 per square kilometer buildings.

The population was in 2000 from 74.0 percent white, 6.5 percent African American, 13.7 percent Native Americans, Asians 0.6 percent and 0.6 percent other. 4.6 percent said to be descended from at least two of these groups. 1.9 percent of the population consisted of Hispanics who belonged to the various of the aforementioned groups.

19.4 percent were under the age of 18, 18.1 percent between 18 to 24, 31.9 percent of 25-44, 18.2 percent from 45 to 64 and 112.5 percent 65 and older. The median age was 33 years. For every 100 females were statistically 122 men, at the age 18 and over 128.3.

The median income per household was 29,652 U.S. dollars ( USD), the median family income $ 40,333. The median income for men was $ 29,656, and for women about $ 21,889. The per capita income amounted to $ 14,460. Around 12.7 percent of families and 17.5 percent of the total population were income below the poverty line.


  • Clarence John Abel (1900-1964), ice hockey player
  • Terry O'Quinn, actor