

  • Mongolia, Tajikistan

Saurornithoides was one belonging to the Coelurosauriern dinosaur that during the Upper Cretaceous ( middle to late Campanian ). Fossil remains of this about 2 to 3.5 m long and 35 to 45 kg dinosaur have been found in Mongolia and Tajikistan. The name means " bird Similar lizard". Nearest relative of Saurornithoides was probably the North American genus Troodon.

With his lean physique and the oversized second claw he resembled also a Velociraptor. He had very enlarged eyes, which could include a nocturnal lifestyle. Saurornithoides could have made at dusk hunt for the former, small mammals. Because many bird features, it is likely that Saurornithoides was covered by a spring dress.


  • Saurornithoides mongoliensis Osborn, 1924
  • Saurornithoides junior bars Bold 1974