Savi's Warbler

Savi's Warbler ( Locustella luscinioides )

The Savi's Warbler ( Locustella luscinioides ) is a passerine bird of the family of the warbler -like ( Sylviidae ). There are three subspecies.

The warbler is a common, locally common breeding and summer bird in Central Europe.


The Savi's Warbler is 14 cm long and 12-24 g in weight. The tail is broad, rounded, and significantly downgraded. The plumage is mostly brown and unpatterned. About The eye-streak is indistinct and short.


The warbler comes from Western Europe and northwest Africa prior to the Urals. A detached part of which area extends from the foot region of Central Asian mountain range in western Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to the Ob, the North-West Mongolia and the West Tien Shan from. The distribution points in the middle and southern latitudes of Europe, including Northwest Africa and Southwest Asia in part larger distribution gaps.


The warbler is a night -withdrawing long-distance migrant, the most important wintering areas are located between the southern edge of the Sahara and the northern edge of the closed rain forest in Africa. Western European breeding birds migrate south-southwest direction, Central European and Eastern European breeding birds on the other hand pull in a southeasterly direction. The highlight of the emigration falls in Central Europe in the first weeks of August. Latecomers can be observed sporadically until October. In their Central European breeding areas Savi's Warbler return behind in the course of April.


The warbler needs extensive water constant siltation zones in nutrient-rich lakes and bogs. Old reeds, where it serves as a vocal waiting. Stark verbuschte areas he avoids, even if the area meets his other claims. Examples of Rohrschwirlareale are tall sedge reeds, which are mixed with some reed or cattail, reed beds with undergrowth as sedges, cattails and water vapors. In the passage he stayed in similar habitats, but also uses herb hallways and even cereal boxes.


The warbler lives less hidden than the grasshopper warbler. He calls for fault " zik " short, at the nest " pit". The singing is significantly lower than that of the Feldschwirls and has shorter verses that are often initiated with shorter, accelerating elements: " tik tiktiktik ... PSB". If the Savi's Warbler is frightened, he falls into a pile position with hyperextended neck upwards and into the soil pressed tail.


The warbler is looking for insects and spiders in the thatch, while he climbs, often with wing support, diagonally up the stalks or sitting straddled between two straws.


The warbler nests twice from May to June in extensive siltation zones of water with reeds, cattails and bulrushes. He builds a large, partially covered nest of straws and reeds leaves in dense reed stock just above the water.


The European population is estimated at 530000-800000 breeding pairs. The largest populations occur with 360000-480000 breeding pairs in Romania. Russia has 50,000 to 100,000 and the Ukraine 55000-75000 breeding pairs. The Central European breeding pair population is estimated at 31000-75000 breeding pairs. In Germany, about 3300-7500 breeding pairs occur in Austrians are 1700-2400 and Switzerland between 250 and 300 pairs. Basically considerable small-scale and short-term stock fluctuations of this type are typical. Partly have since the 1960s and 1970s Habitat destruction caused by the draining of wetlands on regional stock burglaries and even led to the extinction of individual deposits. In the North and East Central Europe, however, the Populationsgzahlen are also increased as in Eastern Europe and the Baltic States. As a result of lower use of reed beds by Mahrd and thus a greater aging of the reed banks for example, have led to an increase in inventory at Lake Neusiedl, which is missing one of the most important European breeding grounds. There are between 3,000 and 5,000 breeding pairs before.

