Scachs d'amor

Scachs d' amor ( love chess) is a chess poem in Catalan language from the 15th century. The complete work title is " Hobra jntitulada scachs d' amor feta by don Franci de Castellvi e Narcis Vinyoles e mossen Bernat Fenollar sota nom de tres planetes ço it Març Venus e Mercuri by conjunccio e jnfluencia trade quals fon jnventada " ( work entitled " love chess ", made by Don Franci de Castellvi and Narcis Vinyoles and Mossen Bernat Fenollar, under the name of three planets as are Mars, Venus and Mercury, was under their influence and constellation invented it ). It originated in Valencia, Spain, probably 1470-1490. Garzon called the year of 1475th The authorship is attributed to the literati circle around Bernat Fenollar, Franci de Castellví and Narcis Vinyoles.

Scachs d' amor is the oldest evidence of modern chess, which was at that time in Spain de la dama ( the lady ), in reference to his most characteristic and most powerful new figure called.

Reception history

The manuscript was discovered in 1905 by the Jesuit Father Ignacio Casanovas in the Real Capilla del Palau in Barcelona and is described in accordance with his instructions 13 and 30 blank sheets of size 290 x 215 cm have included. 1912 published several treatises of the Catalan Chess historian José Paluzíe y Lucena ( 1860-1938 ). The first complete edition was published by Ramón Miquel i Planas. The influential chess historian Harold James Ruthven Murray gave in his extensive work, A history of chess (1913), the Catalan Chess poem little attention, which helped that other treatises, despite its enormous importance for the origins of modern chess, only little response found. The recent ( private ) edition of the text was published in 1992 by Salvador Juanpere i Aguiló. The manuscript has been lost since the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939 ).


The poem describes a chess game in the form of an allegory. Mars ( Castellví ) plays with the red stones and woos the love of Venus ( Vinyoles ), which plays with the green stones. Mercurius ( Fenollar ) acts as referee. The game was probably not really played, but constructed. White plays 21 trains in 21 verses. Black plays 20 moves in 20 verses. Together with the three verses of the referee gives the 64 verses, so as many as the checkerboard fields counts. From this section, therefore, can hardly close to the skill level of the former players, very well but on the intellectual climate in which the modern chess originated.

The first known batch of new chess

Francisco de Castellví ( white) vs. Narciso de Vinyoles (Black)

Opening (in today's system ): Scandinavian Defense: Lousy - Kotroc variant ( B01)
