Scale-crested Pygmy Tyrant

Red -dandruff head tyrant ( Lophotriccus pileatus )

The Red- dandruff head tyrant ( Lophotriccus pileatus ) is a passerine bird in the tyrant flycatcher family. He is based in five subspecies in Central and South America.


The Red- dandruff head tyrant reaches a body length of 10 cm. The back is olive color mainly, the underside whitish to pale yellow. The front top of the head is brown, yellowish brown, the face area. The feathers of the hood are not usually erected, also created recognizable, reddish brown on top. Wings and tail are dark, the wings with two yellowish wing-bars. Chest and throat are streaked dark - olive color.

Distribution and habitat

The Red- dandruff head tyrant comes from Costa Rica to northern Venezuela and into southern Peru before. He is usually found at altitudes 600-1200 m and inhabited primary rain forests, secondary forests and forest edges.

Way of life

The Red- dandruff head tyrant feeds mainly on insects.


The following five subspecies are distinguished:

  • Lophotriccus pileatus hypochlorus Berlepsch & pride man, 1906 - Peru.
  • Lophotriccus pileatus luteiventris Taczanowski, 1884 - Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama.
  • Lophotriccus pileatus pileatus - Andes, Ecuador to Peru.
  • Lophotriccus pileatus santaeluciae Todd, 1952 - Venezuela, Colombia.
  • Lophotriccus pileatus squamaecrista ( Lafresnaye, 1846) - Andes, Colombia and Ecuador.

