Scarabaeidae#White grub

As grubs ( from Central and Old High German narrower ( l) inc or = engiring little worm, maggot ) is called the beetle larvae of the superfamily Scarabaeoidea, colloquially especially that of the cockchafer and June beetle. May beetle - grubs hatch after four to six weeks from the egg and five to six inches long. The body is more whitish, whereas the head is brown. Live, depending on the kind of between two and four years in the soil. First, they feed on humus, then of tender grass and weed roots (such as dandelions roots) and later also by tree roots. The root damage can even lead to death in extreme cases of full-blown book.

With a favorable summer weather to pupate May bug grub and after four to six weeks for the beetle. In this form it hibernates in a burrow and digs, depending on weather conditions, in April to May of the following year out of the ground.



Collection from a compost heap

Front view of a Passenger Lings
