
51.94611111111110.716666666667148Koordinaten: 51 ° 56 '46 "N, 10 ° 43' 0" E

Look is a district of the city Osterwieck in the district of Harz in Saxony- Anhalt.

Geographical Location

The place is located in the northern Harz foreland near the Ilse, south of Easter Wieck. From there, a link road leads through the village and the Schauener wood after Stapelburg.


The village belonged Look since the High Middle Ages, the monastery Walkenried, came in 1530 to the Counts of Stolberg and 1616 the cathedral chapter of Halberstadt. 1648 came it to be rich immediate fief of Brunswick- Lüneburg. 1689 acquired the Hanover Chamber President Otto Grote, who was raised in the same year barons, the good looking. The free imperial rule since then shows, that was not allocated to any realm circle, fell to the Kingdom of Westphalia in 1807 and 1815 at the Magdeburg Region of the Prussian Province of Saxony. The Barons Grote remained until 1945 in the possession of the goods shows.

On January 1, 2010, the formerly independent communities shows, Aue- Fallstein, Berßel, Stage, Lüttgenrode, Rhodes and Wülperode joined with the city Osterwieck together for new city Osterwieck.



The station was looking on the railway hall - Vienenburg.
