Schlegel's Francolin

The Schlegel 's Francolin ( Francolinus schlegelii ) is a species of the genus of Frankoline from the family of pheasant -like ( Phasianidae ).


The cocks have a gray-brown, red-brown speckled crest, which merges in the neck to yellow ocher. The ear-coverts are gray-brown. About the eyes, neck and sides of the head plumage is yellow ocher. The top is red-brown with faint darker banding, the Federschäfte are white. The underside is white with black stripes and light chestnut- brown spots on the flanks. The tail is red-brown and has faint black stripes. Chin and throat are pale yellow. The beak is black with yellow base. The legs are yellow, legs carry the roosters spurs. The hens are the taps very similar, although somewhat smaller. The underside is less regularly banded, on the brown backs are fewer white Federschäfte to see.


The Schlegel 's Francolin comes from Cameroon east to Sudan before. But it is not common and occurs only rarely and locally bounded on the entire range on. He lives among other things, in the northern Guinea savannah and is apparently the presence of the Ka - tree ( Isoberlinia doka ) and high Bluestem ( Andropogon ) bound.

Way of life

The Schlegel 's Francolin is very shy ( Kulturflüchter ). His Revierruf (ter -ink, terrrra ) is distinguishable from that of the closely related Coquifrankolin only by its lower pitch and more rapid sound sequences. A clutch consists of 2-5 cream-colored eggs. Outside the breeding season you meet him in families and mixed teams along with other francolin species.
