Schlumbergera truncata

Schlumbergera truncata

Schlumbergera truncata is a species in the genus Schlumbergera from the cactus family ( Cactaceae ). The German Cactus Society and the Society of Austrian cactus friends and the Swiss Cactus Society chose Schlumbergera truncata 2014 "Cactus of the Year".


Schlumbergera truncata grows epiphytic or rarely lithophytic with richly branched stems. The clipped, glossy green shoot sections 4 to 6 inches long and 1.5 to 3.5 inches wide. Two to three slight notches are located at the edges in the areolae are located with brown wool and tiny bristles. The terminal areole is composed.

The zygomorphen, pink or red, orange or white flowers are slightly uphill. They are 6.5 to 8 centimeters in length and capable diameter of 4 to 6 centimeters. The flower tube is up to 4 inches long. The reddish green Perikarpell is smooth. The pear- shaped fruits are red and smooth.

Distribution, systematics and hazard

Schlumbergera truncata is widespread in Brazil in the state of Rio de Janeiro at altitudes of 700 to 1000 meters.

The first description as Epiphyllum truncatum was published in 1819 by William Jackson Hooker. Reid Venable Moran (* 1916) she put 1953 in the genus Schlumbergera.

In the Red List of Threatened Species IUCN, the type is known as " Vulnerable (VU) ," ie, performed as endangered.

