Schmaler Luzin

Extremely narrow, river -like lake

The Narrow Luzin is a mesotrophic lake in the Feldberg Lakes in the East Mecklenburg. Its name derives from the Slavic tribe domiciled here once the Lusatians.


The only 150 to 300 meters wide lake is located in the Natural Park Feldberg Lakes south east of the main town of Feldberg. It is located in the 1939 -scale nature reserve Hullerbusch and Narrow Luzin. The area was, however, protected at the direction of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg -Strelitz since the mid -19th century. The lake extends for a distance of approximately seven miles of Feldberg in the northwest to the south or southeast Carwitz.

The Narrow Luzin is mostly surrounded by steep slopes. An exception is in the area of Bäk. Opposite this is in the direction Hullerbusch a silting area. Compared to the allotment site can be found in the direction of Witten Hagen meadowland. However, the waterfront is also there existed as almost everywhere with black alder. Until Carwitz there is then mixed forest on the shore. The main component of the mixed forest beeches form. An exception is the area of the dead bay to Carwitzer pool, is to be found in the coniferous forest. The local situation Carwitz in which some land on the lake are, in addition to the allotment site Feldberg is the only part of the lake, where there are only very few trees.


The lake was created - like all the lakes of this region - as a legacy of the Pomeranian stage of the Weichsel ice age about 15,600 years ago. He is in a terminal moraine and is a glacial Rinnensee, so a former meltwater channel below the glacial ice that permanently filled after the retreat of ice with water. Accordingly, the lake with up to 34 meters, relative to the narrow width and very deep.


The Narrow Luzin consists of the North Basin, which today ranges from the embankment to the Luzinfähre, max. 14 m deep and contains 3.42 million cubic meters of water, the main pool with Dead Bay, which extends from the Luzinfähre to narrow, max. 33.5 m deep and 6.83 million cubic meters of water and contains the Carwitzer basin, which extends from the narrow to the Bäk, max. 33 m deep and contains 10.5 million cubic meters of water. Originally, the neck of the widths Luzins belonged to Narrow Luzin. The neck was separated from the limnological Narrow Luzin Through the construction of the embankment. The narrow with a width of 70 m and a basic depth of only 7 m is the narrowest part of the lake. It connects the main pool with the Carwitzer basin to the west.


The lake is used for recreational purposes and for fishing. Are located on him 3 beaches, one of which is located on the north bank of the Schmals, a nudist beach on the west bank of the Carwitzer pool and a beach in the local situation Carwitz. In the local situation Feldberg is located on the northwest shore a small garden. There is a hand- operated passenger - rope ferry. This is attached to a tensioned by the lake below the water surface rope, and a ferryman the ferry by turning a wheel on the rope over the lake. The ferry connects Feldberg with the district Hullerbusch. The ferryman also lends boats. The Narrow Luzin is closed to boats with internal combustion engine.


In the year 2008, as part of a Student excursion of the Humboldt University of Berlin to the Luzinseen an extensive investigation of temperature, water plants, Schwebmaterialien and others. Common fish species are: Lead, roach, pike, eel, perch, burbot, three-spined stickleback, tench, bleak and Maränenart described subsequently. Rare fish species are carp, chub, rudd and perch.

As a special home to the Narrow Luzin is the only lake endemic Luzinmaräne Coregonus albula lucinensis, also known as Tiefenmaräne. With the landing of fish with gillnets from great depths give this due to the different pressure conditions a creaking noise, which comes from the fact that the swim bladders fill: forcing. Therefore, the fish of locals are also called Luzin - Quietschbauch or Quietschbükers.

The Siberian bullhead ( Cottus poecilopus ), who lived earlier than Ice Age relic in the lake which could no longer be detected in recent years. On 18 May 2006, the first 73 Siberian sculpin were released as part of a project for artificial recolonization.

Proven crustaceans are the American crayfish and the opossum Mysis relicta.

In the area many eagles ( osprey, eagle, lesser spotted eagle ), ducks live ( tufted duck, goldeneye, pochard ) and even otters.
