
51.49511.493055555556258Koordinaten: 51 ° 29 '42 " N, 11 ° 29' 35" E

Able from the district Schmalzerode in Eisleben

Schmalzerode is a district of Eisleben in the district of Mansfeld- South Harz.

Geographical Location

The place is located in the forest-free area of ​​the Hornburg saddle on the road from Eisleben to Bornstedt.


Schmalzerode is one street village with southerly extension. It was on the road from Helfta after Klosterode. Schmalzerode until January 1, 2005 the capital of the administrative community in the Horn Burger saddle, with its dissolution it came to the Management Community Lutherstadt Eisleben. On 1 January 2009 Schmalzerode was incorporated to Eisleben.
