
Schrattenbach is a municipality with 356 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2013 ) in the district of Neunkirchen in Lower Austria.

  • 3.1 Demographics
  • 3.2 Religion


Schrattenbach located in the industrial district, in Lower Austria. The area of ​​the municipality covers 10.81 square kilometers. 63.01 percent of the area is forested.

Community structure

The municipality comprises the following five villages (in brackets population as of 31 October 2011):

  • Greith (76 )
  • Good man ( 4)
  • Hornungstal (70)
  • Rosental (162 )
  • Schrattenbach (60 )

The municipality comprises the cadastral Schrattenbach.


In ancient times, the area was part of the province of Noricum. In the core Austrian state of Lower Austria lying the place told the eventful history of Austria.




According to the data of the 2001 census, 89.6 % of the population Roman Catholic, 0.3 % are Protestant. 0.3 % are Muslims. 9.0% of the population has no religious affiliation.


Mayor of the municipality is Franz Pölzelbauer, office secretary Elisabeth Paier. In the council there after the municipal elections of 2010 a total of 13 seats following distribution of seats: 4 SPÖ, ÖVP 8 list, list for Schrattenbach 1, no other seats.

Culture and sights

Economy and infrastructure

Non-agricultural work places there were in 2001 16, agricultural and forestry holdings according to the 1999 survey 27 The number of persons employed at the residence was according to the 2001 census 173 The employment rate in 2001 was 46.27 percent.
