Scientific community

The scientific community (English scientific community, often also used in English ) is the totality of all the countries participating in the international scientific researchers. Be regarded as a precursor in the matter is the Latin term res publica literaria, all encompassed into the 18th century in science workers and looked at differences of rank or nationality as insignificant.

The word still carries into account the fact that there are in the sciences own forms of communication as well as their own media - especially the journals, more recently, the scientific mailing lists are important. They meet at international conferences and is cooperating interdisciplinary, especially in large research projects. The community is a separate network from where the course is set for careers depend on their own protection within the sciences from, know each other, discuss each other in the media of academic life when speaking their own language.

The term "scientific community " promises as its predecessor " res publica literaria " in all this an existing within the sciences overarching ethos. The Republican, a state of their own visual moment that bore the prominent legal status of academics in the early modern bill, while the more looser friendship that resonates in "community." The most common German -language equivalent is the word of science operation, however, far more puts the accent on the institutional side of Sciences.

In feminist social research, the scientific community is increasingly examined for their inherent gender exclusion mechanisms through. Here, the claim of the scientific community is in particular an objective assessment of scientific performance on the test. Thus, recent studies showed that scientific achievement is always attributed in social processes and that it is precisely the belief of the scientific community to objective performance evaluation mechanisms selective hides, which leads in many cases to the exclusion of women from the community. An effect of gender exclusion of women from science is the Matilda effect, which was designed as a counterpart to the Matthew effect. Furthermore, specific ideas about the place of women in society or the specific, rather precarious working conditions in the science in this context.
