Sciotoville Bridge

38.752861716389 - 82.885440588056Koordinaten: 38 ° 45 ' 10.3 "N, 82 ° 53' 7.6 " W


Ohio River

The Sciotoville Bridge is a double-track railway bridge that crosses the Ohio River at the Columbus (Ohio ) over Waverley southbound track at Sciotoville, Portsmouth, Ohio to Kentucky. It is used by the CSX Transportation, which it also belongs.

It was built in 1914-1917 by the McClintic - Marshall Company for the Chesapeake and Ohio Northern Railway, a subsidiary of the former Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. It was designed by Gustav Lindenthal, who was supported in the calculations of the structure of his assistant David B. Steinman. The bridge was designed to carry two coal trains with 380 -ton locomotives.

The bridge consists of two continuous, 472 m (1550 ft) long steel truss girders that are associated with serious cross struts and mounted on a pillar in the middle of the stream and on the piers on the shore. At its opening, this was the longest continuous truss structure in the world and is still the longest in the United States. As a result of the middle pillar, the bridge has two openings with Pfeilerachsabständen of each 236 m ( 775 ft). Your entire length including the flyovers is 1140 m ( 3739 ft). At its highest point in the mid-stream the truss of the bridge has a height of almost 40 m. She has a clear height of 12.2 m above high water and 32.5 m above low water.
