Scout Promise

A central method of the Scout Movement is the commitment of each individual to the ideals of the movement. For each scout puts the Scout Promise. The original version was formulated by the founder of the Scouting movement Baden- Powell.

Contents of the Scout Promise

Building on Baden- Powell's formulation almost all Scout associations developed their own promise texts, which are based mostly on the three key elements of the original text:

  • Commitment to God,
  • Obligation towards others,
  • Commitment to yourself

In non- religiously oriented organizations is the commitment to God - contrary to the original intention of Baden- Powell - often omitted.

Promise celebration

On entry into a Boy Scout troop is usually followed by a time getting to know before the new member may place his Scout Promise. This almost always happens in a promise ceremony, which is also called the recording. At her take the whole Scout group in part, rarely, only the group of the member. During this celebration texts from the Scout Movement (such as the farewell letter Baden- Powell ) and the Scout Law are often read and sung songs. Then the new member takes off his promise and is received by the group leader in the worldwide community of the Boy Scouts. As a sign to him the scarf is folded.

The traditions of recording are often specifically from tribe to tribe. Attempts are often made to make them aware solemnly, in order to strengthen the importance and appreciation of the promise and of the associated symbol, the cravat. Therefore, the recording of the group is often the ceremonial culmination of a Boy Scout camp or even a scout year ( " Scout's Christmas" ).

In some organizations, the Boy Scouts or the Girl Scouts lily leaf clover may be worn as a promise to sign the Scouts divide only after the scout recording. Rare Boy Scout greeting may also be used after filing of the promise.

Many Scout associations know next to this first Scout Promise more promise when changing to a different age level. Often, these promises are regarded as a renewal of the original promise, some associations but also expand the content ( and scope ) of the promise. This method is called stages or levels work.

The original promise of Robert Baden -Powell

On my honor I promise that I will do my best -

  • To do my duty to God and the King (or to God and my Country )
  • To obey the Scout Law.

Literal translation into German:

On my honor I promise to do my best -

  • My duty to God and the King to do (or to God and my country )
  • To help other people at all times
  • The Scout Law to fulfill.

Scout Promise various associations

German Scout Association of Saint George

In the DPSG there are various texts promise. In most cases, superior to their promise to Include text in conversation with their leaders themselves

As an example of a tribe with a firm pledge the following:

  • My duty to fulfill towards God and the Church,
  • At any time to help my fellow man,
  • The Scout Law to obey.

Federation of Scouts and Guides

The promise of the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts is:

The promise can be made even without religious formula. Most of the promises formula still follows its own additive.

Scouts and Guides of Austria

With seven or eight years, or within the gnome and Wölflingszeit a small promise is made ​​as an entry into the Community, the elves and Cub rings. During this ceremony is awarded the scarf to the children.

After a few months in the Guides and Scouts ( 10 to 11 years ) the actual Scout Promise is stored.

Scouting Switzerland

  • Always confront me anew with the Scout Law,
  • To search for the meaning and purpose of my life,
  • Use me in every community in which I live.

Association of Christian Scouts and Guides

The / The Individual shall, after a period of getting to know a promise. The promise could be:

" Trusting in God's help " can be omitted.

Since this is just a proposal at this formulation, decide VCP in the subordinate divisions (usually the trunks ) itself on the promise. Accordingly, there are various formulations.

German Scout Association

In DPB one puts in his life scout from several promises ( 6 in total), adapted to the maturity of the people.

Freshmen promise (about 7 years):

Wölflings - promise ( about 8 years):

Cubs / wolf cub (about 11 years):

Guild girls / squires - promise (about 14 years):

The vow of the Order of the Knight is taken from the Meissner formula.

German Scout Association mosaic

In DPB mosaic 2 promises are delivered. The first at the age of about 9 years in a pack, the so-called Wöflingsversprechen:

After a reasonable period of belonging to the clan the Scout Promise is stored:

The promise can be stored either with or without a religious formula.

Royal Rangers

The Royal Rangers the promise is spoken together at the end of each stem meetings. It reads:

Since this is the common degree and an important element of a parent meetings, each Ranger must recite the Royal Ranger Pledge memorized in its entrance examination, which he personally stores the log ladder.

AP Scouts

  • To do my duty to God and to his country,
  • To serve my fellow man
  • And to obey the Scout Law AP.

Federation of German Scouts

The Wölflingsversprechen was formerly

The Scout Promise was formerly

From the Federal Rules of Federal German scouts, decided at the federal Thing 1952 Ludwigstein.

Pfadfinderbund globetrotter

In Pfadfinderbund globetrotter a promise to award the neckerchief is given at each stage. The first at the age of about 4Jahren, then about 7 years Wölflingsverprechen. Later, Scout and Rover promises to follow. An employee, so adult, puts the same promise as a stepped leader, but wearing a Blue / White scarf.

The Beaver Promise:

The Wölflingsversprechen:

The Scout Promise when PbW is:

The Rover Promise:

The Mannschafts-/Führerversprechen:

