
The Kopist is a writer whose job is to primarily to transcribe texts ( copy ) that have written others.

On the role of copyists

Were often used to amplify copyists in the Middle Ages monasteries and at work in clerical or scientific works, this profession almost disappeared with the invention of printing.

Copyist of music that write out the orchestral parts from the handwritten scores of composers, but there are today. A good sheet music copyist can estimate how systems, clocks and notes are to be arranged on one side to allow the performer a more pleasant as possible reading and leaves. Previously, the copyists were entrusted simpler compositional activities such as complete of accompanying voices or instrumentation. Although the notation with the computer always achieved better results, it can happen again and again that in the short term the voices of a new composition or transpositions are needed, or the notation of a work for the music notation programs is too complex. In such cases it may be necessary to a copyist.
