Script editor

Story Editor, Script Editor alternatively, is an activity in the film and television industry.

In television series, several authors work at the same time, the executive producer (English Executive Producer ) and the directors need an overview of the action sequences. The task of coordinating the episodes and the actions, the author assumes editor (English story editor).

In the case of spin-off series of films and other series ( for example, Star Trek, Stargate ) the "story editors " do not have to make series or movie across that characters, locations and plot lines complement and technical or geographical information or character details differ from the facts already established.

The task of the "Story Editor " usually take already trained or aspiring screenwriters that can be authors or co-authors in the course of a long-running series itself.

The "story editors " are often used echelon. This means that at the beginning of next season (English Season ) new persons to perform the function, and that the old ascend in the hierarchy of the series. Either they become senior author consultants (English executive script consultants ) or equal to authors.

In German-speaking countries, this profession is rarely used, since film productions are often manageable and only one or two authors are working on a series.

  • Film career