Sebastian Virdung

Sebastian Virdung (* 1465 in Amberg, Oberpfalz; ? † first half of the 16th century ) was a German singer, composer and music theorist.


Virdung was a pupil of Johannes von Soest. He was enrolled in 1483 in Heidelberg and worked from 1483 to 1505 in the local Hofkantorei. In 1489 he became pastor in Lengenfeld ( today part of Velburg ). From 1500 to 1507 he held the chaplaincy of the castle Stahleck in Bacharach. After a short tenure in the service of Württemberg from 1507 to 1509 he was alto and Praeceptor on Cathedral of Constance. 1508 he left Constance. 1510 he resided during the Reichstag in Augsburg. 1511 Apparitions his music theory font Musica getutscht and außgezogen in Basel. After that Virdung track loses.



  • 4 songs in Schöffer Songbook ( 1513)


  • Musica getutscht and außgezogen (1511 )