
Sebennytos (Arabic سمنود Samannud, DMG Samannud, ancient Egyptian Tjeb - netjer; Coptic Dyebenute; ancient Greek Σεβέννυτος; ἡ Σεβεννυτικὴ πόλις (HE Sebennytikê Pólis - The sebennytische city), Latin Sebennytus ) was an ancient city in Lower Egypt, today at the Damietta arm located ( in antiquity the Bucolic or Phatnische arm) of the Nile in the Nile Delta.


Previously was Sebennytos also on the west of it running and named after Sebennytischen arm ( altgr. ὁ Σεβεννυτικòς Νείλος ) of the Nile, which is silted today, were, between two Nilarmen. Sebennytos was the capital of the 12th ( ancient ) district ( altgr. νομός, nomos; Egyptian Sepat. ) Of the same name and is located near Sais almost 31 ° north latitude. In ancient times it was an important place situated on a peninsula between the Sebennytischen See ( ἡ λίμνη Σεβεννυτική, today Burlos ) and the Nile.


The town was an important trading town of Lower Egypt, and Memphis. The demise of the canal system by siltation due to deposits left the place become less important and have brought him almost to disappear. Sebennytos was the birthplace of Manetho, a historian and chronicler of the Ptolemaic period of the 3rd century BC, known for its " king lists ". The last native ruler of Egypt, Pharaoh Nectanebo II of the 30th Dynasty, also came from there. There are finds of a ruined temple and other remains from the Ptolemaic period.
