Second Book of Enoch

The Slavonic Book of Enoch is an apocryphal, apocalyptic book and tells of the adventures of Enoch before his admission to the seventh heaven.

The Slavonic Book of Enoch has an apocalyptic character and is believed to have originated in the first century AD. Originally it was probably written in Greek, but is now only one Church Slavonic translation preserved. There are several versions, a long and a short, where the short is caused by reduction of the long version. Nominally is the author of the biblical book of Genesis mentioned Enoch have been, who has not written but safe. The font can be roughly divided into three areas: The report on the seven heavens, the instruction of Enoch by God, the exhortations of Enoch to his sons, and the princes of the people.

After this book are the names of the sons of Enoch: Methuselah ( Methuselah ), Regim, Rim, Azuchan, Chermion.


Two angels take Enoch with him and show him the sky:

  • In the first heaven him the stars, clouds and Tauquellen be shown.
  • In the second heaven he finds the fallen, caught angels who wait on the court.
  • The third heaven is the paradise, into which the righteous will be brought among people. In the north, this heaven is hell, where the wicked are tormented.
  • In the fourth heaven are the sun and moon. To the east and west are six gates through which the sun rises depending on the season; be explained by the different lengths depending on the season bright days. So does the moon: there are twelve gates.
  • In the fifth heaven are anthropomorphic giant as a guard.
  • In the sixth heaven are seven choirs of angels, which provide for the order of the world.
  • In the seventh ( highest ) heaven he finds the Archangel, ofannim, Seraphim, Cherubim and God on his throne.

God instructs the archangel Bretil to give Enoch pen and paper and dictate to him all the things about heaven, earth and sea; after thirty days of Enoch has written 360 books. Then God Enoch describes the creation of the world. God then sends him back to earth to tell his sons within thirty days, everything and bring them the books. At this point, God already mentioned the coming deluge.

Back on Earth holds first Enoch to his sons a speech, told of all that has happened, warns against sin and admonished several times and in various ways to the right, godly life. Later, he exhorts the elders of the people in a similar way and tells of the reward of the righteous life. The book ends with the start of Enoch in the highest heaven.
