Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare (Mexico)

The Secretaría del Trabajo y Prevision Social ( STPS ) is the political "Secretary ( of the government ) of Labour and Social Welfare " in Mexico. As Secretariat of the Government, it is comparable to a Ministry of Labour.

The STPS is divided into three sub- secretariats for " labor, social security and welfare " ( Trabajo, Seguridad y Prevision Social), " Employment and Industrial Policy" ( Empleo y Política Laboral ) and " Human development of productive labor " ( Desarrollo Humano para el Trabajo Productivo ). Also the Oficialía Mayor belongs to the STPS, which is under the Directorate General of computer science and telecommunications.

The STPS is the " Federal Administration for Work Safety" ( Procuraduría Federal de Defensa del Trabajo ) and the " Federal Council for Conciliation and Arbitration " ( Junta Federal de Conciliation y Arbitraje ) was assumed.

Previous Secretaries

The office of " Secretario " / a " Secretaria " of the government in Mexico is comparable to that of a minister of a state government.
