Sedalia (Missouri)

Pettis County


Sedalia is an American city in Pettis County, Missouri. According to a census of 2000, the city has 20,339 inhabitants. It is the county seat of Pettis County.

Geographical location

The city covers an area of ​​31 square kilometers and has no significant bodies of water.

Population structure

The city is of 20,339 people, divided into 8,628 households, and 5228 families inhabited. The population density is 656.6 people / square kilometer. There are 9,419 residential buildings with an average density of 304.1 units / square kilometer. The ethnic groups in the city broken down as follows: 88.62 % White, 4.95% African American, 0.39 % Indigenous, 0.40 % Asian, 0.02 % of the Pacific Islands, 3.75 % from other races, and 1.86 % from more than one race. 5.55% of the population are Hispanic or Latino. Of the 8,628 households 28.8 % have children under the age of 18, 44.0 % married living together, 12.6% are single parents, and 39.4% are non-families. 33.1 % of all households are " single-person households ", 14.7 % are pensioners over 65 years. The average household size is 2.32 persons and the average family consists of 2.94.

The age distribution of the population is as follows: 24.7% under 18, 10.8 % from 18 to 24, 27.7 % 25-44, 19.4% from 45 to 64, and 17.4% are 65 years or older. The average age is 36 years. On hundred inhabitants, there are 90 male female, come in a hundred female population over 18 years 86.3 males.

The average income per household is 28,641 U.S. dollars, the average income for a family is 34 938 U.S. dollars. The income of a male resident is 28,208 U.S. dollars over 19.520 dollars in female residents. 15.3 % of the population and 12.5 % of families are below the poverty line, of all people living in poverty 20.8 % are under the age of 18 and 10.5 % 65 years or older.
