
Seisan (Japaneseセーサン,十三,十三 歩or十三 手, Chinese Shi San Shi ) is a kata of karate. It is practiced in Goju - Ryu et al. In Shotokan is known as Hangetsu.


The original meaning of Seisan is thirteen poses. The name is probably from the Chinese term shi san shi (origin: style of the 18 Arhats, Japanese十八 罗汉拳, Jūhachi - rakan -ken ) is derived. He stands for the Book of Changes ( I Ching ) 13 mentioned energies. Furthermore, the name refers to the information contained in Seisan eight defensive and five offensive techniques with motion changes.


Seisan contains many contrasting techniques, such as fast and round to straight movements or fast, explosive to slow, powerful movements. The fast and slow techniques are both run with minimal body movement in order to concentrate the power of aggregation in the point of the power output. The Kata is also suitable for women who carry a child on the back. As in Seiyunchin and Shisochin close combat techniques are applied here as well. Traditional Goju Ryu - techniques often involve gripping and techniques of control an attacker to take vulnerable body parts.
