
A Sejmik ( diminutive of Sejm, the Polish parliament ) is a regional self -governing corporation in Poland. As part of the administrative reform of 1998 were set at the level of voivodships ( Sejmik województwa ). The Sejmik selects the executive of the province, which projects the Woiwodschaftsmarschall.

" Sejmik " was also the name of the regional assemblies of the estates in the Kingdom of Poland - Lithuania, there were several levels.


Regular Sejmiks took place since the of King Casimir IV adopted the Statute of Nieszawa. This regular meetings of the szlachta were provided, which among other things led to the formation of the two-chamber system in the Sejm.

In the Polish part of the empire of the minor nobility became increasingly the lead while in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania were the magnates tone. The high point the Sejmiks at the turn of the 17th to the 18th century when they were arbitrarily set the duration of their conference period. This was suppressed in Quiet Sejm of 1717. The Sejmiks existed until the dissolution of the Kingdom 1795.

Levels and functions of the Sejmiks in Poland - Lithuania

Sejmiks were held usually in the open field. There were several ways:

  • In a Generalsejmik ( Sejmik Generalny, Conventiones generales ) met Sejm deputies a particular region, mainly to coordinate their voting behavior in the Great Sejm. For the different landscapes of the Empire, fixed meeting places were out: Kolo for Greater Poland, Nowy Korczyn for Lesser Poland, Warsaw for Mazovia, Sądowa Wisznia for the Ruthenian lands and Wołkowysk for Lithuania.
  • In a country or Territorialsejmik ( Sejmik Ziemski, Conventiones particulares or terrestrial ), the deputies of the individual provinces met. Prior to the establishment of the Great Sejm their importance was extremely large.
  • In a Sejmik of Powiats ( Sejmik Powiatowy ) met the deputies of a district.

They could come together for various purposes:

  • In a pre - Sejm ( Sejmik przedsejmowy ) met the deputies to elect deputies to the Great Sejm. The number depended on the size of the province. Occasionally, the MEPs also several provinces met.
  • In a Wahlsejmik ( Sejmik elekcyjny ) higher Woiwodschaftsbeamte were elected.
  • In a Relationalsejmik ( Sejmik relacyjny ) were the reports of the Sejmabgeordneten heard there were also the laws passed by the Sejm ( konstytucje sejmowe ) presented.
  • In a Deputationssejmik ( Sejmik deputatacki ) the judges of the Crown Tribunal in Piotrków and the Lithuanian Tribunal in Grodno were chosen since King Stephen Báthory.

Sejmiks convened by the king or voivode. The king (or his representative ) put in a document ( legacja Królewska ) determine the matters to be discussed. Selectable was the nobility of the relevant province, the deputies of other estates had only an advisory voice. A Sejmik could - as the Sejm of the entire kingdom - are blocked by a Liberum Veto, which in turn led to the formation of Adelskonföderationen, the majority decisions enforced. Each Sejmik chose a Sejmikmarschall, who headed it.

  • Past legislative
  • Policy ( Poland)
  • Poland - Lithuania