Selden Society

The Selden Society is a nonprofit scientific society for publication British legal history sources for England and Wales. It is named after the English jurist and polymath John Selden.

It was founded in 1887 by Frederic William Maitland, with the support of the institutions of the British legal system and under the patronage of Queen Victoria. Since its inception, it usually published a volume of the main series ( with original sources in translation as well as introduction and commentary ) per year and there are a number of supplement volumes. By 2013, some 150 volumes have been published. In 1988 a Centenary Guide.

Every two years, they will award the David Yale Prize, named after a former president of the Society, for young historians in Legal History of England and Wales.

President is the time of the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, Igor Judge ( 2013). The Annual General Meeting is held annually in July at Lincoln 's Inn.

It works together with the Ames Foundation, Harvard Law School, and there are also meetings in the U.S. and Australia.
