
Atma Vichara ( Sanskrit: ātma - Vicara, exploration of the self, Atman ) is a method of meditation for the exploration of the self, self-awareness and self-realization, which emphasizes Ramana Maharshi as a spiritual practice ( sadhana ) is recommended.

The goal is the individual ego, which is not an independent reality, but only on the basis of the eternal and unchanging self ( the Absolute, the Divine ) can exist and he was totally dependent to recognize by exploring its source than what it is. Thus the idea of an independent ego is to be extinguished.

Method (search question "Who am I ?")

The teaching of Ramana Maharshi assumes that if we look back through all the thoughts and feelings of their origin, you will find that the first of all thoughts of 'I' thought is: "I am." This first idea is the " spiritual heart " spring that locates Ramana on the right side of the chest.

Ramana Maharshi describes the method as follows: " Follow the relentless exploration, Who am I 'feel the root of your personality? Find out where the 'I' thought arises! Turning the mind inwards! With practice, the thought waves are calm and you feel an infallible intuition. About About you this intuition. Let your thoughts come to an end and it will bring you to the finish. "

• In his book, Who am I '(? German, Who am I '), he describes the method as follows: "If thoughts arise, one should not pursue them, but ask yourself," Who are these thoughts? ". It does not matter how many thoughts arise. At each rising thought you have to persistently ask " Who is this idea come from? ". The answer is " Mir. " When you then turn asks "Who am I? ", Then the mind goes back to its origin, and the Ascended thought comes to rest. If this exercise constantly practiced, the mind develops the capacity to linger in its origin. "

After Maharshi there is no advanced method, but only one tire of Vichara. Vichara is the direct method. " There's nothing to know more than what you find in the books. There is no secret technique. Everything is an open secret here. "
