

The Selle divide is orographic right tributary of the hum corner brook. The river atomic number of this mountain stream is 7


The Selle ditch originates in an extended source area with a variety of source arms at Rotacker. The longest left Quellarm rises to about 530 m altitude in the NSG Radeweg, the longest right Quellarm at the same level in the NSG Tännichen. The confluence is at 502.1 m height. Until Rotacker still several tributaries are added. At 459.2 m height leads the Selle ditch just south of the end of the Harz high road on the B 81 in the hum corner brook.

In Rotacker the Hoyer- pond and the forest resort Hasselfelde are traversed. The used also for fishing Hoyer Pond serves as Vorwärmbecken for the 10,500 m² natural swimming pool. The fish stock is zufütterugnsfrei kept low, and protected as a habitat of crayfish. Three small wastewater treatment plants in this area drained by a drainage ditch below the forest seaside resort in the Selle ditch.

Name Meaning

The connotation of the name Selle trench is not known, but may be derived from similar rivers.

The name of the, also to the river system corresponding Bode, Selle- Bach and Selleke -Bach derives from the Middle High German sal ( cell ) or the Old High German salida ( apartment, house, hut) ago. It is also ' the associated land ' meant. So probably would be a stream that flows to the house of the land on. Ditch derives from the Old High German grabo or the Middle High German dig her. What is meant is originally caused by an excavation pit, the term was later also used for natural streams. So the basic word ditch for about 17 percent of the water used in the river system of the Saale.
