Semantic loan

Bedeutungsentlehnung called the linguistic Entlehnungsvorgang, wherein the specific semantic content of an embossed term or a complex of ideas, which are then referred to as Lehnbedeutung, is taken from one language to another without taking over the word body. Here, an existing native word or loan word receives the semantic value of the foreign term. Usually during this process is no replacement, but an extension of the original meaning of the word salary.

Lehnbedeutungen are often the result of a close language contact. A partial equivalence of words ( broad semantic agreement ) can lead to the analogical extension of the concept of scope (eg Engl cut " cut, also: someone deliberately overlooked ." Cut, so dt ( jmd ); collect Latin legere ", also: read ", so read German, at first only " pick up ", then " read " ). As long as such Entlehnungsprozesse are still in progress, it can be perceived as non-speech neologisms.

Bedeutungsentlehnung is particularly prominent and often in the history of language in the course of religious mission. Many German words are church term borrowings from Latin, this. Themselves from the Greek, where often there is a Hebrew word in the Old Testament background Often the original connotations continued to exist alongside and looked back on religion and theology. The resulting shifts in meaning to the original concept on the one hand and on the other hand, everyday word can cause considerable difficulties of understanding, see about justification ( theology ).

Such Judeo-Christian Lehnbegriffsreihen are eg

  • Berit - Diatheke - testamentum - Bund
  • Tzedakah - dikaiosüne - justitia - Justice
  • Tora - nomos - lex - the law
  • Kabod - doxa - gloria - glory

An example of the importance of extension for an already integrated loanword is Brigade. During this the German first had a military significance (see brigade ), its semantics in the GDR was a coming out of the planned economy expanded context (see Brigade ( DDR) ). Model for this extension was the Russian word meaning brigada ( бригада ). The same is true for the usual term in the planned economy of the norm - after Russian norma ( норма ).

Closely related to the Lehnbedeutung are different types of Lehnbildung; both as Lehnprägungen (Semantic borrowing ) are classified together.
