Semantic MediaWiki


Collecting information

  • Typed references (relations) and
  • (Side ) attributes.

On the Berlin side, the syntax would be the following:

On the "Berlin" page could continue to be: The city has 3393933 inhabitants. In SMW users can make this information explicit, by

The city has ... [ [This is Population :: 3393933 ] ] inhabitants .... Write This would make the semantic statement ", Berlin ', has population ', 3393933, '" result. On the page " attribute: Population ", the data type of the property to be specified. Since it is in this case a number,

[ [ Has type :: Number ] ] specified. The number will appear as normal text in the article and is interpreted as the number (important for size comparisons and the like). Up to version 1.0 has an attribute ": =" instead of "::", due to the precise specification of attributes, this approach is not recommended, however.

Attributes are relations in the use of otherwise very similar, but they can be used by data ( such as numbers, dates, or geographic coordinates) for different species. The attribute must know the data type so that it can support it correctly. For example, the two inputs " 1000.30 " and " 1000.3 " different, but they refer to the same number. Each attribute has an article and there may also be the desired data type are defined. Depending on the data type, various additional functions are available. For example SMW automatically converts between many units of measure, and created in geographic coordinates links to web pages with maps.

Reuse of Information


Organizations, use the SMW internally include, among others, Pfizer, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the U.S. Department of Defense.

Community and Events
