Serbs in Germany

The term Serbs in Germany is not clearly defined. Partially so are meant those people in Germany, who see themselves as ethnic Serbs. You can be a citizen of Germany, Serbia, another successor state of Yugoslavia or of another State. In another understanding, it can consist of living in Germany citizens or former citizens of Serbia or Serbia and Montenegro, regardless of the ethnic group to which they ascribe to. These can also be ethnic Hungarians, Albanians, Bosniaks or members of other minorities in Serbia.

The regions with the largest shares in serbischstämmiger population are located in and around Berlin, next to Frankfurt, Munich and Stuttgart.

Most Serbs who live in Germany, he moved in the 1960s and 1970s as a job-seeking immigrants or " guest workers" from Yugoslavia here. A small percentage of Serbs emigrated to Germany as refugees during the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s a.


As in other countries, the number of Serbs living in Germany is not precisely determined, since census or similar surveys ethnicity is usually not charged, but only figures on the respective nationality exist. There are different data on the number of Serbs in Germany, depending on the definition.

The Central Council of Serbs in Germany, which has a broad approach to understanding ethnicity of migrants from Yugoslavia, speaks of hundreds of thousands of Serbs in Germany.

For 2011, the Federal Statistical Office, the number of 197 984 Serbian nationals in Germany published. More 54,557 people living in Germany with the citizenship of the former Serbia and Montenegro have not yet decided for one of the possible new citizenships.

The Serbs form in Germany to the Turks, Italians, Poles, Greeks, Croats, Russians and the seventh largest non- German -born population.
