Serhiy Ostapenko

Serhiy Ostapenko Stepanowytsch (Ukrainian: Сергій Степанович Остапенко; * 1881 in Volhynia, Ukraine, † 1937) was a Ukrainian politician and economist, member of the Ukrainian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries ( Ukrajinska partija sozialistiw - rewoluzioneriw, UPSR ).

Ostapenko took from 1917 to 1918 as the Economic Advisory Board of the Ukrainian delegation to the peace negotiations in Brest- Litovsk in part, from February 13 to April 9, 1919 he was president of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

After his retirement from his presidential office Ostapenko lectured as a professor at the National University Ivan Ohijenko Kamjanez - Podilskyj and in Kharkiv on statistics and demography.

In 1937 he was arrested and shot.

See also: Governments of Ukraine
