Sesto Calende

Sesto Calende is a municipality with 10,974 inhabitants (as of 31 December 2012) in the Italian province of Varese, in the Lombardy region. It is located at the outflow of Lake Maggiore at its southern end, the Ticino, and already on the northern edge of the Po Valley.

In Sesto Calende there is an upside protected floodplain.

Adjacent communities are Angera, Cadrezzate, Castelletto sopra Ticino (NO), Comabbio, Dormelletto (NO), Golasecca, Mercallo, Osmate, Taino and Vergiate.


  • Cesare da Sesto (1477-1523), Italian painter and pupil of Leonardo da Vinci


  • Church of San Donato in the district Scozzola o Scovilla, ( IX - X century ), with frescoes and organ Aletti (1869 )
  • Provost Church of San Bernardino (XXth century)
  • Oratory of San Vincenzo called " dei Re Magi ", north of Sesto Calende
  • Sass da Preja Büja, shell stone with incisions, 200 meters from the Oratory of San Vincenzo
  • Garibaldi Obelisk ( 6 October 1861) with three inscriptions:

" Qui sbarcava Garibaldi co ' suoi la notte armati 23 Maggio 1859 by disperdere lo starniero. "

" Qui il capitano prode C. De Cristofori sfidava i perigli di non eguale Tenzone con gli austriaci il maggio 25 1859 "

  • Factory Mainoni ( SIAI Marchetti )
  • Glasses factory Bordoni, since 1871
  • Glasses factory Vetreria operaia federale ( Vof ) with 40000 m² site in the city center, most recently the Neapolitan AVIR ( Aziende Vetraie Italiane Ricciardi ) belonging, closed after the takeover by the Owens Illinois in 1997, with planned future use of various kind
  • Storey factory Boldi - Astori
  • Aircraft factory SIAI Marchetti -