Set Fire to Flames

Set Fire to Flames is a post-rock band consisting of fourteen musicians from Montreal, Canada, have posted on Alien8 Recordings and FatCat Records which released two albums.

Both albums were recorded " in states of little sleep or no sleep, in varying stages of intoxication and physical limitation ." Their second album was recorded in a cabin in rural Ontario. The sounds of creaking doors and other background noises were not - as usual - cut out, but keep aware.

Guitarist Mike Moya ( including as to Godspeed You Black Emperor and Hrsta! ) On the Functioning of the band:

Many of their tracks are very minimalist, filled with ambient and noise elements, and many other non-musical sound effects combined, or combined with instrumental music.

The band is often as a side project of Godspeed You! Black Emperor considered and the two ensembles share several members.

Since the last 2003 album tranquility reigns to Set Fire to Flames. The band has been in its entire history only a single, spontaneous live concert (1999).


