
The Sewerjanen (Ukrainian Сіверяни; Russian Северяне ) was a ostslawischer tribe, settled along the rivers Desna, Sejm and Sula in the early Middle Ages. According to them, the historical territory Sewerien is named.


About the origin of the name is controversial. The idea that the name goes back to the Slavic word for " north" ( Sever ), will assert that by this Slavs tribe never lived in the north of the populated areas of Slavs. Another explanation attributes the name to the Persian word for "black" ( seu ).


As a political entity the realm of Sewerjanen existed during the period from the 8th to the 11th century. Compared to the Khazars, they were obliged to pay tribute in the 8th and 9th centuries, were the end of the 9th century by Oleg of Novgorod incorporated into the Empire of Kiev and took part in the expedition against Constantinople in the year 907 Opel. Finally, they were part of the Principality of Chernigov.

The Sewerjanen be in the Geographus Bavarus, by Constantine VII, of the Khazar Khagan Joseph ( 960 ) and in the Primary Chronicle, last time then Jahrer in 1024, mentioned in the 9th century.


Major settlements of Sewerjanen lay on the territory of today's places of Chernigov, Kursk and Novhorod - Seversky. During archaeological excavations, many rural settlements have been found dating from the 8th to the 10th century and grave mound of Sewerjanen. The root plow agriculture and livestock and produced various crafts.
