Seychellois rupee

1 EUR = 16.919 SCR 100 SCR = 5.9105 EUR

1 CHF = 13.866 SCR 100 SCR = 7.212 CHF

The Seychelles Rupee is the currency of the Seychelles. One Rupee is divided into 100 cents. The ISO 4217 code is SCR, but it is abbreviated in the country with SR and is called on Seychellenkreol Roupi.

The rupee is in the following denomination in circulation:

  • Coins of 5 SR, SR 1, and 25, 10, 5 and 1 cents (the one-cent coin was last coined in 1992 ).
  • Banknotes of 500, 100, 50, 25, 10 rupees.

There are also gold and silver coins up to 1500 SR, but they are not legal tender. The Seychelles government only allowed the import and export of 100 rupees.

100 -rupee commemorative coin, silver

British colonial precursor of the Seychelles Rupee: Half Rupee
