Sfântu Gheorghe, Tulcea

Sfântu Gheorghe ( in German: Sankt Georg ) is a village in the Dobrogea region of Romania. It lies on the southern, named after her arm of the Danube delta on the Black Sea and is to be distinguished from Sfântu Gheorghe, a city in Transylvania. Sfântu Gheorghe has about 1000 inhabitants.


Sfântu Gheorghe has a town center with a community hall, a restaurant and several grocery retailers. In the surrounding area are mostly one-story homes, often with Byzantine influence.

Typical house in Sfântu Gheorghe

Port of Sfântu Gheorghe


The population lives off fishing and tourists who visit the Danube Delta or come for fishing. Many residents have guest rooms. There is a campground.


There are no paved roads to Sfântu Gheorghe. All goods and people are transported by ship and then usually loaded into horse-drawn carriage. The ferry to Tulcea run several times per day.

The Sfântu Gheorghe Film Festival

In Sfântu Gheorghe annually hosts the International Independent Film Festival Anonimul.


  • The surrounding Danube channels