
Shakti (Sanskrit शक्ति Sakti [ ʃʌktɪ ], literally " force " ) is in Hinduism for the female elemental force of the universe - it is an active energy represents the countless Indian goddesses are viewed as a form of Shakti.

Often, the female counterpart of a male God is regarded as the Shakti. The Hindu Trimurti - the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva - has the following goddesses as feminine side or wife:

  • For Brahma, the creator / Forgiver, it is Sarasvati. Saraswati is the goddess of art and science.
  • For Vishnu, the preserver / Transformer, it is Lakshmi. Lakshmi appears as a goddess of good fortune, wealth and beauty.
  • For Shiva, the destroyer / Redeemer, it is Parvati. Parvati can occur as a gentle wife Uma or Durga as a warrior.

If the evil in the universe, so combine according to tradition Sarasvati, Lakshmi and Parvati to Kali, the dark side of Shakti which destroys everything in its path.

In Shaktism the Shakti plays a central role as the dominant deity. In some directions of Shakti Shaktism is considered kinetic aspect of Brahman, the only truly existent, which brings forth the manifest world and all its phenomena, is even and controlled. In this form of Shakti is usually regarded as Mahadevi.

In the western Neotantra the term Shakti is usually used as a synonym for woman.

Origins and history

Some researchers suggest that Shakti could have originated as early as the Indus Valley Civilization, because there many female figurines were found, which could represent goddesses. However, the Hindu concept of Shakti contains other significant influences.

In the Vedas, the goddesses indeed play a major role, however, important aspects of goddesses are here already personalized. Vak, for example, the goddess of speech, Aditi, the mother of the gods, Prithvi worshiped Mother Earth and Uzza, the goddess of dawn, is in many hymns. Likewise appear more feminine sides of the Vedic gods, Indrani, for example is considered to be Indra's might and power.

In the post - Vedic period, then non- Vedic goddesses were commonly used and accepted by the Sanskritization. Durga, Kali and other goddesses were especially important in new forms of religion.

In the classical period of Hinduism then the goddesses appeared in the Puranas as consorts of the male deities, but they represent there the power and energy of the male God. The goddesses were equated in the classical period with three forces: Shakti (energy), Prakriti (original material ) and Maya ( illusion ).

In the later theology Shakti two texts have a particularly important role. The Devi Mahatmya, and the Devi Bhagavatam Purana. Both texts changed the meaning Shakti in Hinduism. In the Devi Mahatmya the goddess is the supreme reality and embodies all of the positive and negative aspects of power and energy. It is considered creative, sustaining and destructive. The male gods, the Trimurti, will still continue viewed in this text as deities of creation, preservation and destruction, but Mahadevi is seen as the force that underlies the forces of male gods, ie, their power and importance goes beyond these.

In Devi Bhagavata Purana Shakti is described as completely independent of the male gods, going beyond all gods are totally dependent on Shakti's will, strength and power. Shakti itself is described as otherworldly Nirguna, as all forms and manifestations and still equated as Sarasvati, Lakshmi and Kali the three Gunas. The goddess appears as Brahman itself, as ground of all existence and everlasting. The individual goddesses of Hinduism Devi Bhagavata Purana appear in all as aspects and manifestations of Shakti itself also Purusha and Prakriti, both as Shakti, or Mahadevi considered.

In general, the goddesses who personify Shakti, not only as a kind and soothing, but they also have malicious, destructive pages appear. To apply, for example, the Mahavidyas as terrible and wrathful goddesses Kali and Durga and also possess such aspects. Likewise goddesses appear not only in its form the Brahman, even in Indian folk religion these are well represented and connected to the Shakti concept.
