Shang Yang

Shang Yang (Chinese商鞅) ( † 338 BC ) was a Chinese statesman of the time of the Warring States Period.

Also called Wei Yang or Gongsun Yang, he first came into the service of the State of Wei, but then went to Qin. There he led in the years 359-350 BC, along with Duke Xiao a series of legalistic reforms that made Qin from a peripheral state to a powerful centralized state. The administration was centralized, redistributed land, unified weights and measures and disempowered idle aristocrats. Thus, the citizens were brought to the state in dependence. Furthermore, the population was divided into tens and fives that were mutually liable. In general, the military was promoted and declared a war of aggression to state duty. After a victory over Wei he became Chancellor, leaving the youth strictly educate. When the ruler died, attended furious nobleman for his execution.

Performed reforms within the meaning of legalism:

Next series of reforms 10 years later:

