Shark fin soup

Shark fin soup, an originally Cantonese Regional Court, is one of the classic dishes of Chinese cuisine.

Appreciated it is in China less because of their taste rather than because of their gelatinous consistency that is similar to that of the bird 's nest soup. It also has the reputation to strengthen the vitality and internal organs. Because of their high price it is now but consumed mainly for reasons of prestige, such as banquets and weddings. Some people believe that shark fin soup will help against potency problems.

Basis of the soup is actually tasteless, cartilaginous substance of which consist of shark fins. They are cooked in chicken broth until they dissolve into its fibrous constituents which are not unlike the result thin glass noodles made from mung bean starch - which therefore also be used as a cheap substitute. The commercially available dried and bleached shark fins are counted in Chinese cuisine to the four treasures of the sea; plus include abalone, sea cucumber and the swim bladder of certain fish.


The consumption of shark fins in restaurants in Hong Kong has declined in recent years, but overall it has increased due to increasing demand from China since the economic boom in China is the expensive delicacy in itself for a larger audience affordable.

Based on information from the Hong Kong shark fin trade one can assume an annual growth rate of 5 %.

Fins of the endangered sawfish " are highly valued in the Asian markets and are among the most valuable shark fins ". Sawfish are among the most protected species in accordance with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES ) Appendix I, but given the huge volume of trade in shark fins and the difficulty of the fuselage to identify separated fins, may be doubted that CITES classification trade significantly influenced by Sägerochenflossen.

A third of all shark fins imported to Hong Kong from Europe. Spain is at 2,000 to 5,000 tons per year, by far the largest supplier. Norway provides 39 tons, but England, France, Portugal and Italy are also major suppliers.

About Hong Kong, at least 50 %, maybe even carry 80 % of world trade in shark fins; were the main suppliers come from Europe, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, USA, Yemen, India, Japan and Mexico.

Malaysia has announced that from 2012 the hunting of sharks off the coast of Sabah is prohibited.


The " recovery " of the shark fins and is often criticized by biologists and environmental organizations outside of Asia. Different species of sharks are used according to their statements targeted or as by-catch; the most surviving animals, the fins are cut off ( the so-called Shark finning ) and the animals returned to the sea where they either die or suffocate, as is passed in sharks only by constant swimming oxygen-rich water to the gills by blood loss. Estimates of the number of sharks killed so move between 10 and 100 million birds per year.

Another negative aspect is based on the fact that sharks are at the top of the food chain and therefore store a lot of pollutants in the body. Especially mercury could under certain circumstances with frequent consumption of shark products a health risk.
