
Savasana ( Sanskrit: to शव Savasana, Sava " corpse " and आसन, āsana " Position, Posture " ) or Mritasana (Sanskrit mṛtāsana to MRTA " dead "); on German corpse pose, repose or death position is the Hatha Yoga the output and often also end position of the attitudes in the supine position.

Of all the asanas, the physical repose the least demanding, but it is considered as the most difficult to master, because it comes at her, " all the tension from your body and mind to be soft ." Shavasana is an attitude that is taken for relaxation at the end of a training session or between other asanas or yoga exercise cycles typically. The corpse pose, practitioners are with closed eyes on his back, taking her arms and legs at a 45 ° angle abgespreizen about and focus on their breathing, without affecting this case active. During the holding period, several minutes, sometimes up to about 30 minutes, all limbs gradually relaxed and all control of the breath, the mind and body are to be solved. Then the entpannte attitude through controlled breathing and stretching the arms and legs is lifted slowly.
