Shell River (Minnesota)

The Shell River in the Straight River Township (2007)

About the Crow Wing River, it is part of the watershed of the Mississippi River and drains a rural region.

The river of the shells that find his name on his run and at its origin, the Shell Lake.


The Shell River springs from the Shell Lake, about five kilometers southwest of Pine Point in Carsonville Township in eastern Becker County and initially flows southeast through the Smoky Hills State Forest in the southwest of Hubbard County and north-west of Wadena County's on Blueberry Lake, in which the Blueberry River flows. From this lake from the Shell River flows $ t on a tortuous course through the County Wadena and Hubbard in an easterly direction through the Huntersville State Forest, where the Fish Hook River joins from the north. In the Crow Wing Lake Township, Hubbard County, he finally empties into the Crow Wing River. The Shell River is the first major tributary of the Crow Wing River and at the point of confluence of the powerful. The average discharge flow of the Shell River is 7 m³ / s approximately three times the value of the Crow Wing River above the confluence.

The Shell River runs in the ecoregion of northern lakes and forests, which are characterized by the growth of coniferous plants and hardwood forests on flat and corrugated Grundmoränenebenen. The lower reaches of the river from the Blueberry Lake can be navigated by canoe and holding a fishing adequate population of European pike. Mussels are present in large quantity at the bottom of the river and the former municipality of Shell City in the Shell River Township was once the seat of a factory for buttons that were produced from the mussel shells.
