Sherbrooke (Montreal Metro)

Sherbrooke is a metro station in Montreal. It is located in the arrondissement of Le Plateau -Mont -Royal at the intersection of Rue Berri and Rue de Rigaud. Here courses of the orange line 2 In 2006 3.64692 million passengers used the station, which is the 23 rank among the 68 stations of the Metro Montreal.


Die von Jean Dumontier und vom Architekturbüro Crevier, Lemieux, Mercier et Caron entworfene Station entstand in offener Bauweise. Sie ist auf ihrer gesamten Länge zweigeschossig ausgeführt, was ihr einen weiträumigen Eindruck verleiht. Die strohgelben Fliesen kontrastieren stark mit den schwarzen Stützsäulen, der teilweise violett gestrichenen Decke und den orangen Hochlichtern. Die brückenartig konstruierte Verteilerebene führt zu zwei Ausgängen beidseits der Rue Berri, die in Gebäude an der Oberfläche integriert sind.

In 10.4 meters depth, the platform level is with two side platforms. The distances to the neighboring stations, each station measured from end to beginning station, amount to 579.10 meters to Berri -UQAM and 932.10 meters from Mont -Royal. There are four connections to bus routes and two night buses the Société de transport de Montréal. Points of interest include Parc La Fontaine, the Montreal Goethe Institute and several theaters.


On the eastern platform is the only mosaic art work of Metro Montreal is found. It is 6.7 meters high and 6.1 meters wide. The 1966 -created, untitled by Gabriel Bastien and Andrea Vau commemorates the Société Saint -Jean -Baptiste de Montréal, a patriotic French-Canadian company whose head office is located in the vicinity. Shown are their contributions to the academic and cultural life of Quebec.

Later, two murals by Mario Merola were added. Horizons ( "Horizons " ) from 1971 is located at the western exit and consists of a large orange circle, which is interspersed with traces of porphyry. At the eastern Rivières is ( "Rivers " ) from 1974 to find an existing brick in various shades of brown abstract relief.


The opening of the station took place on 14 October 1966, together with the portion of Place - d'Armes -Henri - Bourassa the orange line. Thus Sherbrooke part of the basic network of the Montreal Metro. It is named after the nearby Rue Sherbrooke, which is run as a bridge across the Rue Berri. The road again was named in 1817 after John Coape Sherbrooke ( 1764-1830 ), who served as Governor General of British North America from 1816 to 1818. During the planning phase, the station name Cherrier was still provided.
