Shinano Kenshi

Shinano Kenshi ( Japanese:シナノケンシ 株式会社, Shinano Kenshi Kabushiki - gaisha ) is a 1918 founded company in Japan that produced initially silk yarns. Since 1962, small electric motors and servo motors are manufactured and distributed worldwide.

The European headquarters is located in Zaventem, Belgium. The Shinano Kenshi group produced in Japan and China, and maintains sales companies worldwide ( including the United States, Thailand and India). The Group's subsidiaries produce, inter alia, optical drives under the brand name Plextor as well as special hardware for blind people ( Plextalk ).


The Shinano Kenshi Group develops, produces and distributes systems and components for various industrial applications and end users. The focus will be:

  • Stepper Motors
  • Brushless DC motors
  • Servo motors
  • Assistive Technology ( Plextalk )
  • Data logger ( Plexlogger )