Sholom Schwadron

Shalom Mordechai Schwadron (also Sholem Mordechai Schwadron, * 1912 in Jerusalem, ibid † 21 December 1997 according to the Jewish calendar * 5672, † 22 Kislev 5758 ) was an ultra-orthodox Jewish teachers and Rosh Yeshiva. He was the grandson of Sholom Mordechai Squadron (1835-1911), called Maharsham whose writings he published. Squadron was known primarily for his religious talks (Hebrew Draschot ), which he held in Jerusalem in part, in front of several hundred listeners. He was therefore called Jerusalem Maggid.

Squadron married in 1936 a daughter of Chaim Auerbach's body. He died in 1997 and was buried on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.
