Shule County

The Circle Shule is a circle of the district of Kashgar in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. It has an area of 2486 km ². Its main town is the large village Shule (疏勒 镇).

39.40276.048Koordinaten: 39 ° 24 'N, 76 ° 3' O

Kargilik ( Yecheng ) - Kashgar ( Kashi ) - Makit ( Maigaiti ) - Maralbexi ( Bachu ) - Payzawat ( Jiashi ) - Poskam ( Zepu ) - Shufu - Shule - Taxkorgan - Yarkant ( Shache ) - Yengisar - Yopurga ( Yuepuhu )

  • Location in Xinjiang
  • County / banner ( China)