
As Shunto (Japanese春 闘, dt " spring offensive " ) are referred to in Japan as of February annual collective bargaining between employers and trade unions for the financial year beginning in April. While giving the trade unions ( Rengo, Zenrōren ) national and industry-wide collective targets and use the Shunto also to nationwide campaigns, and also the employers' association Nikkeiren (now Nippon Keidanren ) makes national requirements; negotiations take place, however at the farm level, the negotiation results in large firms usually serve as a guide. Often, by the unions certain objectives to the fore: spring wage offensive, spring offensive working time, in recent years ( Rengo ) "Spring struggle for better living conditions " (春季 生活 闘 争, Shunki seikatsu Toso ).

In the late 1940s the Shunto emerged as a coordinated attempt by the company unions of large industrial companies to improve working conditions. In the 1950s, the Shunto developed starting from the iron and steel industry - the Trade Union Federation Tekkōrōren organized in 1954 an industry-wide spring offensive - the nationwide campaign of Trade Unions. Gradually, interest groups were followed in smaller and medium-sized enterprises, service industries and the public sector.
