Sid Avery

Sid Avery ( born October 12, 1918 in Akron, Ohio; † July 1, 2002 Los Angeles ) was an American photographer. He became famous in the 1950s and 1960s through his photos of celebrities mainly movie stars. His pictures showed the stars in their private environment.


With the photography, he was seven years old the first time about his uncle, a professional photographer in contact. In 1937 he visited the Frank Wiggins Trade School, where he taught photography. During the Second World War, he serves as a photojournalist for the U.S. Army. Back in the USA in 1946 he founded a studio in Hollywood and photographed for various newspapers.

1967 founded Avery, Dick Kuhn, who specialize Avery -Kuhn Productions to the turning of advertising films. The Agency shall develop effects like solarization, Soft Focus lenses and special lighting, such as sunrise for automotive advertising.

Founded in 1969, The Avery Film Productions rotate around 70 commercials each year.

1985 Avery withdrew from its film studios and was chairman of the Hollywood Photographers Archives. In 1989, Avery the Motion Picture and Television Archive, which he directed until 2002.

  • Photographer
  • Americans
  • Man
  • Born in 1918
  • Died in 2002