Siege engine

Siege equipment, in the historical parlance also referred to collectively as Antwerk include aids to storm and machinery for the destruction or weakening of an attachment during a siege.

As long as people hid in fixtures or defended themselves from it, attackers had to find ways and means to destroy the attachment of the defender or overcome.

Siege Engines ranged from primitive structures such as ladders and rams, which were manufactured locally and often were only siege equipment, to complex equipment and machinery, which were carried by the besiegers.

Constructs for the destruction or weakening of an attachment are:

  • Battering ram
  • Masonry drill
  • Catapult Ballista
  • Blide ( Fz Trébuchet )
  • Onager
  • Shoushe - Nu -Nu Chuangzi (China) or Kaman -i - Gav ( Persia )
  • Oxybeles
  • Ballista
  • Rutte

Constructs for storming a fixture are:

  • Siege Tower Helepolis (ancient version of a siege tower )

For the course of a siege and storming of fortifications further opportunities to see up there.

  • Siege unit